
Death Proof (2), the dateless wonder

Camilo escreveu uma novela chamada O Que Fazem Mulheres. Em Death Proof, Tarantino escreveu o seu «o que dizem mulheres». A atenção à lógica e às inflexões das conversas femininas revela um homem fascinado e atento e nunca um misógino (um misógino não teria filmado Jackie Brown). Vale a pena comprar o guião de Death Proof, para poder recordar os diálogos, incluindo vários que foram cortados no produto final (divagações sobre broches & programas de tv e outros mimos), bem como as didascálias adolescentes mas exactas de Tarantino. O meu diálogo cortado favorito é o «dateless wonder».

ARLENE: Oh, you’re stuck with a dateless wonder.

PAM: I like the sound of that. What’s that?

ARLENE: A dateless wonder is a guy who thinks about girls a lot but doesn’t have much social skills. So he doesn’t go out a lot. But he’s not like his geeky friends, or his fat friends, or his confused sexuality friends, he goes out…every once in a while. Every once in a while he gets the balls to ask a girl out. Now dateless wonders usually make it a point to ask girls out of their league. Since thy don’t expect to get the date anyway, why not aim high. And every once in a while, they get their shit together long enough to get a pretty girl to say yes. And you’re that pretty girl.