

Acaba de me chegar às mãos (maravilha fatal da Amazon) um exemplar usado mas inteirinho de L'échec de Pavese, o famoso estudo de Dominique Fernandez publicado em 1968 e há muito «épuisé». Assim sendo, talvez seja ocasião para mais uns textinhos pavesianos. (OK, estou a brincar).


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A few words to finish her story. Constance never made it in Hollywood. She went to Europe with her sister, Doris, and for years in Italy they were admired and happy. There Constance became the lover of Cesare Pavese, a fine poet who had sexual problems and no doubt others which were the source of his sexual problems. Pavese committed suicide and Constance returned to the States, married a film producer, and had two sons. She died before she could fully enjoy her time or peace and her sons. When she was forty-seven, a brain hemorrhage ended her life.

Elia Kazan, A Life, 1988